I've always wondered how hard it'd be to build a couple of concentric bowls such that the inner bowl would hover above the outer via magnetic repulsion. Now that I've got a 3d printer, I'm trying to construct such a beast as my first project.
I'm making a springy bar stool using the idea of tensegrity, some sticks, some steel cable and my nifty new 3d printer.
It’s been a much longer process than I had expected at the start, but I love the space. It’s only very recently suitable for use as an office with electricity, insulated and conditioned space, and finished to the point of being comfortable, but it’s already done a lot for my concentration. Without the distractions of kids and pets, I can keep my focus for much longer stretches of time.
When my family and I relocated to a horse-farm, we gained a lot of land to play around on, but we lost a fair amount of living space in our house. The loss of a truly quiet corner of the house from which to work is particularly tough at times so one of the very first projects on the farm project is to build a proper office in one of the outbuildings.